Audit and Scrutiny Committee - 09/03/2021 - Tuesday 9 March 2021, 10:00am - North Ayrshire Council Webcasting
Audit and Scrutiny Committee - 09/03/2021
Tuesday, 9th March 2021 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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- Agenda Contents, opens in new tab
- Agenda Document Pack - Audit and Scrutiny Committee - 3/9/2021 10:00:00 AM, opens in new tab
- 2. Minute 12 01 2021, opens in new tab
- 3. Q2 2020-21 Covid-19 Response and App, opens in new tab
- 4. UK withdrawal from the European Union (Brexit) Update report, opens in new tab
- 5. Internal Audit Reports issued, opens in new tab
- 6. Internal Audit Actions follow-up, opens in new tab
- 7. External Audit Plan 2020-21 (COMBINED), opens in new tab
- 8. April-Sept 2020 Complaint Report, opens in new tab